Living life day by day. Every day is a gift - -

Nate and Ry-guy

You didn't think I'd forget about the babies did you ? I mean, after all...they are my favorites.

I was holding off for them to hit their 9 month doctors appointment. You know, so they could get their shots updated and then not sleep so that I would have something to bitch about.

Well it's your lucky day. There will only be a little bitching today.

They are sharing a post because there is only a short time in their lives to blog about as they've only been sharing this planet for 9 months and because frankly I don't have the know, because I didn't sleep last night....because of the whole shots and poor sleeping thing. (bitch moan bitch moan gumble grumble grumble)

Nathan aka Tank, oh fearless one, bruiser :
weight, 20 lbs 11 oz 60%
height, 29.5 in 90%

He crawls. over things. like a tank this kid. Over his brothers head, pillows, toys. Motto, "why go around"

He cruises furniture and is now climbing up and over. He climbs stairs and can make it up 4 before I can say, "no Nathan" and make it down 8.

He has 3 1/2 teeth. (the fourth is blue and bulging and will probably break skin today...if I can help it along by pushing against it :)

He is crazy and talkative and smiles all the time. I just love his personality.

Ryan aka the sweetest boy ever :
weight, 19lbs 1 oz 30%
height, 29.5 in 90%

He crawls like a champ. Obstacles are just that. he will get to a toy or shoe and then sit down his arms flailing about...."move damn it...clearly, I'm trying to get by".

He cruises furniture and has just recently decided that getting down is REALLY the scary part and "HEEEELP, HEELP me, I can't get down".

He has no teeth, not a bulge not a bump.
But this gumless hero is so sweet it makes MY teeth ache. He is very sensitive and is sitting behind me rolling his r's sounding something between a bird and a mariachi singer.

Now I need your help. I need glue that is water proof. Something that will stick to the bottom of the tub and also adheres to most skin types. :)
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