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Kid Approved Chicken Nuggets

I pinned these chicken nuggets on Pinterest a long time ago and kept meaning to make them for my kiddos.  I'm not sure what took me so long...but I'm really glad I finally made them.  And my kids are really glad I finally made them.

They have definitely been quite a hit in our house.  My kids love chicken nuggets but we rarely have them since they contain so much processed foods.  

I love that I know exactly what is in these chicken nuggets.  

They were really easy to make; there were just a few steps involved (boiling chicken, grinding the cooked chicken, forming shapes, baking).  An older kid could definitely help out after the boiling and grinding stages.

I used two pounds of chicken, which made quite a bit.  I froze most of them and they seem to reheat without any problem!

Here's what they looked like prior to baking.

I used some of my heart and flower shaped cookie cutters to make cute little shapes.  
And I did drizzle a little bit of butter over the top to help them brown.

Yum!  They are a hit in our house!!

Click here for the full recipe!

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