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Geesh, what a pain in my neck !

Before I go in to meningitis and swimming lessons I have to ask the question.
WHY ? WHY is it that you can shave your legs and cut several places on smooth, soapy, flat service skin but when TRYING to cut the skin tag from under your armpit the blade just gliiiiides right over it ? flips it. plays with it, if you will.
Oh and just for your in4-1-1...if you tie a string around a skin tag. It hurts. BAD and it will cauliflower out and turn dark pink, then darker pink, then purple and then kind of a blackish purple before it falls off (like 2 weeks later). (note : a new and harsher pain comes with each shade of color change)

Syd said that the back of her neck hurt on Friday.
I just figured she hurt it playing.
Saturday she complained again but we were on mini vacay and we all just brushed it off.
Her eyes had been swollen a little. I thought it was an allergy to something.
Sunday she got a fever. 103.2. neck hurt.
Sunday nap time she had what I can describe as a small night terror during nap time. burning up 103.2 on Tylenol.
Sunday evening. getting ready to eat dinner. she had yet ANOTHER "night terror" only she was awake. lasted 5 minutes. She would say she was afraid of something on the floor and ask where she was.
I called the doctor on call at about 7pm. He called me back at 6:30 this morning. (ANY WAYS) he said he didn't get my message. and you thought you should call me back NOW. at 6:30 am. are you friggin' kidding me.

After I made the call to after hours...J took her outside to see if she would snap out of whatever she was in. Her fever was down at the time to 101.1 so I didn't think that it was a fever induced hysteria or anything. (I don't know if that is a real term...I just made it up :)
She acted better and her fever kept coming down...this morning it was fine. Although she did have another bad nightmare this morning.
I talked to my mom last night and she said....."You know, one of the signs of meningitis is neck pain"
I googled it and it scared the SHIT out of me. She met nearly every symptom.
Either way. Today my doctor said watch for the signs to come back.
Her neck is fine. no fever. acting normal. eyes still a little swollen but otherwise great.

The boys had swimming lessons today. first time. alone. in a pool with a perfect stranger teacher.
Cam screamed nearly the whole time. Spencer only screamed when it was his turn and then screamed on his way out and was fine on his way back.
Both boys jumped to her from the side at the end and each got a sucker for making it through their first lesson.
Cam said 5 minutes before it was over, "I'm happy mama !" and then cried when it was time to leave.

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