Living life day by day. Every day is a gift - -

"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you are not going to stay where you are."
via on Pinterest

I found this quote today, and since I was getting ready to do a blog post about the new year and setting goals for myself I thought this was perfect.  When I say I am making goals for myself, I mean open-ended goals. I make no resolutions to accomplish by the end of the year, but this year I would like to focus myself.  Simplify some areas of my life, to where I can put more focus on what is truly important to me at this point in my life.  

With that in mind, here are a few goals I would like to work toward:
1. Free myself of time constraints.  It seems when I put a time constraint on something, it usually doesn't happen. I am freeing myself to pursue my passion in my own time.

2. Free myself of commitments that are not currently contributing to my pursuits.  Yes, this does mean that I will not be on any scrapbooking Design Teams this year.  I want to use my extra time to concentrate on learning more about photography, spending as much time as i can with my family, and just enjoying life, without having this obligation to make "x" number of layouts by a certain date.  I will scrapbook when I find time and I will do it for me...

3. Free myself of any thoughts that I am not good enough just the way I am.  I am perfectly happy to be the best mother and wife that I can possibly be.  I believe that our purpose in life is constantly changing, and right now I am positive that my purpose is to give love(to my babies, to Anthony, to our families, and to our friends)

4. Free myself to Practice. Practice. my photography...I am certain this is what i want to do. I  want to spend my time in my life doing what I love.  So if that means working hard this year or the next couple of years to really try to learn and do more with it, then I am determined.  This past year was not the greatest for me, and it fell to the back burner, and that's okay.  I am ready now.  I will try to take some classes when I can afford, learn online, and practice.

5. Free my mind.  This will encompass so many things...meditation, loving more, living more, relaxing more, enjoying more, smiling more, laughing more, kissing and hugging more(if that's possible), taking more photos, talking to friends more, sing aloud more, etc, etc.  Relaxing and just breathing in and out is what it's all about.

As you see, the purpose of my goals is not to achieve a certain number of tasks by a specified you can tell from #2, that really never works out for me that well.  My purpose in making these "goals" is to actually free myself from many ways that I have grown accustomed to.  So, in keeping with my NEW word for 201l  >>>>>>>>>>>>>FREE>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am keeping everything in that theme.  I will be free to be me, free to do as I want, free to be happy.

Oh, I forgot one little goal... I came across this site coming up and instead of a picture every day, it is a self-portrait every great is that! I really want to join in with this. And since it is just a photo, i think i could do it.  I mean, I take selfies all the time anyway, so why not try to get better and different ones!  Check it out if you are interested...I would love to see your selfies:)  
52 Weeks Project
Please keep in mind, the photo above is not mine. I only put it on here so you can click on it to get to their site:):):)

Here's Hoping You have a Happy and Safe New Year!!!
I'd love to hear if you are making any goals or doing any new projects for 2011, and what your word is:):)
Love, Jess

Oh, the above art with the free quote was found on you haven't checked it out, you should. It is great!  You have to get on the waiting list for an invitation to be sent, but it doesn't take long, and you can start being inspired:)
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