Living life day by day. Every day is a gift - -

A snake and 3 guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are a mutation between a hamster and a rabbit.   Their little faces remind me of a rabbits at times and when they move they hop with their back legs.  They also kick to the side if they want you to let them go.
They are extremely cute and if you get them when they are babies you can handle them a lot which will make them SUPER SWEET when they get older.
You should always buy them in 2's.   They don't like to be alone.  They need lots of room to run around.
You have to change their bedding out (because of the poop and pee) every 3-5 days I changed it out every other day trying to tame the smell. 

They stink.   I can't describe the smell but it's hay-like.   I suppose it's because they eat hay.  Timothy hay to be exact.
They poop and pee ALL of the time.   In their beds, on your floor, in your hand.  They poop so much because they eat so much....thus having the name guinea PIG.

Sydney had to give her snake back to nature.    She was SUCH a good little mommy to it.   I NEVER had to tell her to change the paper towels or give him fresh water or feed it.    She would get it out daily and talk sweetly to it and then put it gently back.   She did it all on her own.   It really surprised me at how responsible she was.
She was so so sad when we let Kevin go.   That's what she decided was his name in the end.   She cried off and on about it (whined) throughout the weekend.
I talked to J about maybe getting a pet that was intended or born in captivity that she could have.
We agreed that after Sadie passed on we would get another pet.  not a dog.  something.

My friend growing up always had guinea's.  I loved them too.   I mentioned it to the wife who has an EXTREME phobia to mice and other small crawly varmints.  She was open to it and thus started my google search about having guinea's. 
I found out that they need to come in pairs.   and found some through our local KSL classified.
Well as soon as I found them I made calls and bada bing bada boom....we were crating home not 2 but THREE guinea's.   I kept thinking that each big kid would have his own.  J kept reminding me that the dog wasn't dead.

The big boys didn't give a shit.   Nathan LOVED them.   Ryan just wanted to torment them.   Syd was on the fence.   Maybe had I let her pick them out and go through the whole process, but I didn't want her to get all excited and then not have it work out.
By about the 3rd day, both J and I were ready to give them away.   They hadn't been handled much so they were pretty skittish.    I was changing the bedding and the water and feeding them because the kids didn't care much about it.    They LOVED to feed them lettuce, bananas, carrots and apples though.   Because it was more hands on I suppose....more exciting than just watching them squeak.

So we listed them.    The ones that I had looked at on this classified page had been on there a while.   I was worried we'd end up keeping them for a couple of months. 
Surprisingly we didn't.    We had several calls interested in the first day.   2 that had made plans with J to meet up and buy them.  We were worried that they would both end up wanting them and then neither responded after about the 3rd email back and forth.  (aint it the way)
And then last night we got a call.   She wanted to come right then to take a look.   She brought her 3 little kids ages 3-10 and they took them home after only 10 minutes. 

We had already explained to Syd that the original owners had sold them because the kids didn't like them or play with them anymore....but that the kids had decided that they missed their pets and wanted them back and that we had agreed.   (lies, lies...all of them lies)  real story : a woman saw a man throw a small cage in a dumpster behind a gas station last October.  She went to fetch the cage for her turtle, thinking, cage.   She found the guinea's all cold and sickly...super skinny.  She couldn't leave them...took them home and nursed them back to life...but with the understanding from her fiance, that once they were healthy, she would have to give them up.  
Syd was PERFECT when we told her.   When the lady and her kids came to buy them (the kids stayed downstairs with me)  she was very very sad.
I felt bad.
I really did.
But both J and I are so glad that they are gone.   That sounds terrible huh ?
Any Syd is asking me what pet I'm not allergic to ?   What pet can she have ?   I said, "you have Sadie honey"     "I don't want Sadie.  I want a fun pet !"   (sigh)

So far she's asked for a cat that can stay outside with several blankets (I'm allergic) a turtle, a cow, some fish and another guinea pig.
Carey had mentioned a pet rock and so we will be painting one to look like a turtle, a cow, a fish and a cat.  :)
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