Today is my day over on the 365 Cards blog and it is also my day to pick out an inspiration piece. I decided to go with this pillow from Anthropologie:

Okay, you really can't be too shocked that I used my sweet Hero Arts Owl...I didn't have anything else that was just perfect and come on now, who wouldn't love an owl on a pillow with pom pom trim??!!!! I stacked 2 butterflies together {blue/yellow: like on the inspiration pillow} to add some fun.
I had actually started this card over the weekend and never finished it...that was a mistake. I should have went with the flow and finished it up then. I revised this one a couple times last night....grrr...hate it when it doesn't when my mojo isn't flowing I fall back on what I love...clean & simple...oh yeah, and owls.
I'll be much better today...I'll have a fresh pair of contacts...hmmm...I was on week 5 on my last pair that are only for 2 weeks...yipes...I was wondering why my eyes were sooo sore and tired.
Okay, show me what you got ladies....hmmm...michelle will like this one, it has orange in it :)
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