Living life day by day. Every day is a gift - -

Story of the Surgery

On April 30, I was so sick in my stomach - all based from nervous. But it didn't stop me from going hospital. We (hollie and I) got to hospital at 5:30am. Called in around 6:00am. I was so nervous - was about to vomit (nausea - for being so nervous). Warned nurse and doctor, they were aware that I'm having a bad case of nervous stomach. Nurse, anesthesia and doctor brought me in surgery room. I was knocked out real fast!

Doctor went and see Hollie and explained to her that I'm out of surgery and is doing great. Did had small complication but couldn't share with her. (Hollie was worried a big time). While I'm in recovery room, they woke me up and I kept on vomiting blood. They decided to have me stay over night for two reasons - one small complication and vomiting with blood. Hollie demanded to see me in recovery room, they wouldn't let anyone not one visitor but hollie won the battle and got in. Oh gosh, I was thrilled to see her! I was so scared! Hollie explained that I had a small complication even tho surgery went well. She said that I had to stay overnight. I was like huh? I thought I'm going home around 6pm. She said no.. your staying overnight and she supported the decision. I have to admit that I do support doctor's decision even tho I hate stay overnight at the hospital but that one - I just feel that I need to stay.

They transferred me to other room - observation room. What a interesting room! Nurses were very good - keeping me update of whats going on. The bed I was sleeping on - the best bed I ever laid on! It has massage on the back and they have put wrap around my legs and massage once a while to keep my circulation flows and prevent from blood clot.

Hollie left around 9pm... I was so tired and decided to go back to sleep. I slept most of night - once a while woke up bec of nurse need to check up with temperature etc...

Hollie came back in the next morning as we want to know what is the complication we had during the surgery. Doctor said - surgery went well! expected a very good result. We had to asked - what was the complication. It made my face turned WHITE! Hollie was worried.. Will I be ok? all that... Doctor said that I will be ok - there is nothing to worry about etc.. When they were drilling my skull and it hits my brain membrane and it leaked. But they did stop right there very fast. That was a small complication. My BRAIN - you got be kidding! Doctor said its ok now.. there is nothing to worry about... (he better be telling me the truth). I asked Hollie - do i look weirdo? or look distorted? She said nothing - all looks normal! Whew..

Doctor said that activate will turn on - on June 3rd. I have about 25 friggin staples behind my ear and back of head. It is pain! Inside of the ear was feeling funny - not pain - just pressure.. but the staples area - is bothering me bec when I moved my face or neck and it moves - ouch... Thank for the painkiller medicine!

Few hours later, we came home (yesterday). I slept most of day... Kids are angel! My mom was heaven sent! She was a big help! My darling, Hollie- the best caretaker I ever could ask for. She is sweetheart! Always checkin on me etc.. Thank you Hollie for being so wonderful! Thanks mom for being there for kids and helping me as well for Hollie. Kids - thank you for being so wonderful mothering to me :o)

It was taken yesterday. Today - took bandage off. very graphic picture.... Will not post it maybe til later or email if want to see ...

I better go back and rest... Thank you for continuing thinking and praying for me to have a successful surgery and speedy recovery which I need the most of this moment :o)
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