Living life day by day. Every day is a gift - -


Cameron is most certainly my favorite.
What an absolutely adorable child he is.
The imagination alone puts him above the rest. It makes me smile to think about it. I love when I walk in to a room and can listen to him make believe play with his animals....(the following is a conversation between a lion and an elephant)"hi, what choo doin'? mom-eeeee. gun.gun.gun. ah play ah me."
His language and speech has taken off.

Ok, so remember how he didn't pass, no he passed and didn't qualify for speech therapy. Well the therapist talked to her boss and approved them to work with both boys because Cam's pronunciation wasn't the best. After he was approved I noticed improvement almost immediately. ain't it the way.
The therapist came to work with the boys and would say, "Spencer say "p" and he would say "p", say "oh" and he would say "oh", say "soap" and Spencer would say "oh"......then she would repeat this with Cameron, "p" "p" "oh" "oh" Cameron say, "soap" and he responded "soap" and she was SOOO happy and SOOO excited and I just didn't have the heart to break it to her that he can talk and quite well. :)
He still has some work but he's well on his way.

Cameron used to be my shy and reserved boy. He is coming out of his shell. He's very friendly to everyone. Adults don't scare him (which sometimes scares me). He will talk to anyone and start telling them about his dinosaurs and cars.

The sweetest and cutest quality that this boy holds would be his desire to protect his brother. OMG it's seriously the most adorable thing EVER. It doesn't matter who did it, if anyone did anything at all....If Spencer is crying Cameron comes a runnin'. He will yell at, push and hit whoever was messing with his bro.
It's sooooo not ok that he physically assaults his sister (and the mean kid at McDonald's that one time) but it really is great that he's got his brothers back.
He also helps when "Jencer" as he calls him, is in time out or throwing a fit about something....he tries to calm him down. Cam will go and get a binky or his sippy cup and take it to him. even though he's not supposed to have those things in time out and I find it NEARLY impossible to take them away because how sweet was that.
He will also stroke his hair and say, "ah ok Jencer? it ok Jencer"
SERIOUSLY people. I think my dried up withered old boobs just let down.

Cameron loves dinosaurs, balloons, trains, cars, animals, alligators, spiders, bugs, snakes and anything else that is stereotypically boy stuff.
I capture what he's going to look like when he's older every once in a while. I think about how great he will be as an older son to his 2 old moms.
He loves his moms so much now.
I'm talking, so sweet, tells me "lushew mom" and my heart melts.
He cuddles and sits in my lap the most out of all of my kids. He loves it when I smother him with hugs and kisses and giggles for more. oh and don't get me started on his laugh.
Now if I can just get him to listen and stop saying "no" all of the time :)

Cameron got a bike from the Easter bunny too. He doesn't like wearing his helmet and tries to ride in the street with his sister. but he too is off and running.
no riding.

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