Living life day by day. Every day is a gift - -

Spence bo-bence,

Spencer is and always will be my favorite. (I meant to start Syd's post out with the same sentence. replacing of course Spencer with Syd)

My misunderstood child. no really. he's totally misunderstood. no one can understand a thing that poor kid says. :)

segue right in to......

Speech therapy. The therapist has come to our house 2 times. Once to get an overall picture of what we do during the day, what Spencer's likes and dislikes are and what our goals for therapy are.
My goals ? ......"ummm, I'd like to understand what the fack he's saying"
It couldn't be all easy like had to be all, our goal is to have Spencer creating 2 word sentences. Again, me internally screaming, "LADY ! He's speaking in full on just don't understand what the fack he's saying" (of course nodding my head in agreement with her)
Write down whatever sounds good and now get him to say something using more than one syllable and with the use of both vowels and consonants.

She's telling me that I need to talk to him. All of the time there are opportunities to be talking to him.
I talk to him. ALL I do is talk. "Spencer get down, put that back, stop, don't, not on the table buddy, get down, Spencer please stop antagonizing your brother, in a minute buddy, put the knife down, WHY are you always in to stuff, close that, put that back, put the chair back, no scissors dude, Spencer can you give it back to Cameron, Spencer you're not supposed to be in there, get down, get out, get up, go, go now"
Apparently I should be phrasing it, "Spencer can get down, Spencer can put that back, Spencer can stop......" you get it, right ? :)
Friggity frack, I don't know about this whole thing, but hey.....whatever works.

Spencer brings a whole new meaning to the words curious and mischievous. That kid has had me chasing behind him cleaning up mess after mess with only a 2 hour break in a 10 hour period.

He can unscrew, get in to, unlock any child proof contraption, bottle or door there is. When it's quiet I usually find him with a bottle of something (spray bottles, lotions and soaps mostly) under the kitchen table, the computer desk or one of his brothers cribs.....spreading it ferociously in to his hair or the floor.

Oh but don't get me wrong. That kid is the coolest thing since otter pops. All it takes is a tilt of the head while explaining something and you want to pick him up and squeeze him.

He plays so well with other kids. He's always up for whatever his sister wants to play; dress up, house, school, beauty parlor. He makes friends easily and does this without much communication which amazes me. He's definitely a neighborhood favorite.

Spencer will run like a mad man to expel extra energy. He doesn't need a lot of direction he just runs...around...back and forth...wherever his feet will take him.

He is THE BEST...oh yes this part I can safely say ONLY applies to Spencer......THE BEST sleeper. Honestly the BEST. He falls asleep on his own and within minutes of his head hitting the pillow. He sleeps all night and doesn't wake up until the next morning.
oooooooh, see, that makes me want to kiss his whole face off right now. hold please.

Spencer got a bike from the EASTER bunny. oh yes he did. He jumped on and like his sister before him, took off. I have a feeling that the training wheels will come off before 5 with these boys.

I love every little part of this mini man. He's like a dance....he keeps me on my toes, spinning in circles, but I have a good time and usually have a smile on my face.

WAIT WAIT WAIT !!!! Spencer pooped in the potty last night.
Ok, so he has diarrhea and all it takes is a little grunt to get some out but either way we danced around the house like idiots singing Spencer went potty in the paaaaw-TEE. Spencer went potty in the paaaaw-TEE ! :)
Today I left both boys diapers off during craft time. Spencer peed on the chair and in front of the fridge. Cameron peed on in front of the fridge and on my cabinets and the floor. They are both now wearing diapers.
Hey, it's a start.
I think next time I will place the potty in front of the fridge. :)
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