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Cam's evaluation and ver-did-it-go

Doesn't meet the criteria for speech therapy (totally spelled it speach but caught myself before even hitting the space bar)
She did say that he could use some therapy for his articulation and would talk to her supervisor to see if they would qualify him because the speech therapist is going to be at my house for Spencer ANY why not work on his language skills too.

Cam is usually so shy and won't perform. He surprises me all of the time. He was so eager to play and complete her exercises.
Although everything was blue, like his brother, he did really well describing things.
It was funny. when we got to the picture with the pencils he said the same thing as Spencer. "BIIIIIIG"
He also had no problem telling her that he wanted to go downstairs to watch a movie with Syd and spencer :)

I woke up at around 3 am. I thought I was going to die. The whole room was spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up. I got up to go to the bathroom because, "ifyer gonna spew spew in this" and was so dizzy I almost fell over.
I never did puke but woke up still feeling like crap today. and right now while I type this I feel as if I could hurl the handful of bite size oreos I just inhaled.
The first thing that came to my head was "OH MY GOD MY HEART" it's not working and I must not be getting enough blood to my organs. hee hee
I went online and googled my symptoms only to find cures for hangovers and blogs about drunken idiots. (I've been that drunken idiot....this went so far beyond that)
I decided that I must have something going on in my inner ear and am suffering from vertigo.
I tell you what. This SUCKS the scum right off of a sea turtles ass !
I don't know how chronic sufferers manage. Or alcoholics. Or people who ride the spinny rides at theme parks. or the one's who sit on their office chairs and spin until they're sick, over and over again.
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