They both sound raspy and hoarse and their fevers reached that oh so familiar 103 mark.
I saw what looked like a blister in Ryan's mouth and decided to make an appointment.
I took Syd in to have her throat swabbed.
Strep negative.
After clearing up some confusion as to what age a child can be given sleep aids and or alcohol to help them sleep. The confusion part being the doctors. I felt like 6 months was just fine and felt something red and winey could help with the constipation their iron fortified cereal is producing. but alas.
She mentioned swabbing them for influenza. I agreed. Syd didn't. Ryan got swabbed.
The test takes 10 minutes and because my children have always been eager overachievers the results came back after only 2 minutes. Positive.
Spencer didn't go with us but too has all of the classic symptoms. High fever. runny nose. no appetite. clingy. MISERABLE.
Oh and the blister thing....Ryan also has a case of thrush.
This has to be the worst my little people have felt. Well Syd got an UG-el-EE case of hand foot and mouth once and was almost this sick.
PLUS. Syd has croup.
YA ! We're doin REALLY good over here.
My mom called me today and actually offered to come out. SHE NEVER OFFERS to come out. Even if I use my outside voice and suggest it. I don't even ask her any more. She got here with both babies screaming. She took Ryan, Syd screamed for me and as I entered her room she coughed, cried THE most pathetic "mama" you've ever heard and then like the exorcist threw up 8 oz of liquids, 1 1/2 tsp. of Tylenol and a tiny corner of a cracker.
I threw her in the tub, got her dressed, made Cam lunch with Spencer crying at my leg, Nathan was impatiently bitching to be held, and Syd's rhythmic and repetitive crying with a hoarse voice, "mama....mama...mama..." was faint but heard.
Ryan cannot be put down and you are not allowed to lay down with him. I honestly don't think I could have made it today if my mom hadn't come over.
While in line at the 4th pharmacy looking for this rare drug that doesn't seem to be resistant to this strain of influenza (I never did get it)...I called a friend and asked her to come over and hold babies tomorrow. I NEVER ask for help so you must know how badly I really need it. J is so busy at work right now and isn't able to take any time off. In fact she's been going in early and missing lunch. Her staying home to help isn't an option.
I didn't expect to go on and on. In fact, neither did J....I asked her to hold Ryan while I quickly updated and posted :) hee hee
Pray that everyone gets better....PRAY that I don't get sick.
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