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R Family Cruise 07-07-07

Sorry... Been a crazy week for me! Adopted a deaf cat. Kids - so tired and sick. Went a birthday party. Did most the errands. Whew! Now I'm back...


R Family Cruise - Wow!! As soon as we arrived and stand in the line, the warm welcoming was started right away! R Family Team, one lady named Kathleen - she bumped us in the bathroom and she knows some signs. We chatted and she explained what to do - etc... Wonderful as we weren't sure what to do next - hee hee - def. a tourist family. Kim & M walked up to us and said hello! What a warm people they are! Most people would be a little awkard to approach us because we are deaf. Most of them put their effort to communicate with us - which is nice! We were suprised to met a straight family and had been on cruise 3rd times - r family. They said they enjoyed so much and is planning to continue going r family cruise.

If you are thinking about going R Family cruise - GO!!! We are going Mexico Cruise in March 2008. I know there is many families are going to Canada Cruise in July 2008 (we're not going :o( ) We chose Mexico over Canada. We wish we could go every r family cruise!!!

Mikaela - married to Kids' Crew! She always begged me to take her in kids crew. She loved it very much. She enjoyed it very much!

Jungle Gym - Playtime/Storytimes

Movie Time

Kyron enjoyed his time in Toddler's Playroom. He played with other kids. There was storytimes - I forgot who was the storyteller - she is an author of children books. I think... I will check the daily newsletters later. He also enjoyed T-Rex Pool (Kiddie pool with small cute slide).

The shows/Comedians - all were good .. I've enjoyed them very much.

Kids had been dancing a lot!! I will put video clips.

We are hoping to go on R family cruise every year. Can't promise :o(

I can't think of more... It was awesome to meet many families! Kyron and Mikaela made so many new friends and as well old friends: Seth and Rj.

We are hoping to see them again in the near future. We all really enjoy the vacation very much. Thank you - Gregg, Kelli, Rosie and R Family Team!
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