Living life day by day. Every day is a gift - -


8 random facts about me.
So you already know I pee in the shower. What else is there to tell :)

Here are the rules:
Let others know who tagged you.
Players start with 8 random facts about themselves
Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts
Players should tag 8 other people and tell them they’ve been tagged.

Disturbing facts. It's gonna get dark up in here.

1- I freak out sometimes when my feet are outside of the covers or hanging over the bed slightly. I always think something is going to GRAB them.

2- I have seen a ghost. No really. I see dead people. (well once)

3- I saved a girls life AND also tried to kill her when I was 8. I felt like it was eye for an eye. (same foster girl I used to movie star kiss) wow, I'll bet being in the system really SCREWED that girl up.

4- I also tried to hang the neighborhood bully Frank when I was 7. He killed a kitten. He was a BAD, BAD kid. He needed to die for his crimes. :) I did kiss him on the side of my house later. Again...tit for tat.

5- I have an escape plan for every situation that MIGHT happen to me and my family. ie. If a robber/murderer/rapist comes in. Depending on whether I wake up to him in my room...or hear him break in. I play sleep until I can get to Syd's room (NOT because she is my favorite...but because it's the first and closest door to my own) get her...wrap her in a blanket so as we slam through the glass window of her bedroom I won't cut her. That is IF he has now realized that I'm out and starts chasing me. I then BREAK the glass to the boys room and get them.
Kind of the same thing if there was a fire....and it was blocking my pathway to the boys room. (oh and then I would come back IN TO the BLAZING house to books and scrapbooks. AND if I can get the computer. SHIT. I'm gonna want to blog about this FOR SURE ! :)
I just PRAY that J makes a SAFE exit herself :) ha ha Just kidding baby....I would of course hope she heads to the boys room so that we may both exit at the same time. Save me the cuts breakin' through ANOTHER window.
These are the things that I think about some times when I go to sleep.

6- When I was little. My mom would have me borrow an egg, cup of sugar...etc. from the neighbors. Mostly at night, but pretty much ANY TIME, I would RUN home as fast as I could and if a car was passing my house at the same time. I would hold REALLY STILL until it passed and would get completely stiff...waiting for the bullet to pass through my body. Yes. I ALWAYS thought someone was going to shoot me. (NO...I didn't live in the could be considered the hood now, but then it was just low income :)
I told my mom this later....she said she did the same thing when she was little....only she always thought she was going to get hit with a bow and arrow. :) ha ha

7- I rented faces of death. AND I watched it.

8- I watched, will watch, and have TOTALLY enjoyed....Full House, Growing Pains, Roseanne, Golden Girls and Little House on the Prairie.

WOW ! That was cleansing. I feel like a LOAD has been lifted :)

OK, Life as a Rainbow, Take a Walk, Life as a Kaleidoscope, 2 moms a turtle and a butterfly, Kelly Belly, All I got, Gemini, Sarah and Jordan
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