I did make an announcement to my guests that I would be blogging these pictures :) I think I may have thrown in a smile ya fuckers. Maybe not, either way....I'll bet I get an r rating next time for just saying fuckers.
IN FACT Lets get it out of the way now. hell, hell, hell, gay, gay, gay, damn, shit hell, bitch.
There !
The party was great. Wonderful and generous friends, lots of fun kids, good food (if I do say so myself) and of course a little volleyball.
The boys loved their cake. The end !
They are one....what the hell did you expect. Sydney had a GREAT time and thinks that all of the lovely present minus the cloths are really hers and that she will of course SHARE them with her brothers. :)
It was like this as people showed up :
"Hi Kori and La.....this is Merr and Sum...wait...this is Proud Prowsers, and this is Twins and 2 moms.....this is 3 dogs, 2 moms, and 1 baby.
3 dogs, 2 moms, and 1 baby....this is Life as a Kaleidoscope, and her wife 2 moms a turtle and a butterfly....you know, the one that almost died.
Ok, over here is All of this for a Mickey Mouse bobber and you guys already know, Kelly Belly."
The wives and the few...and I mean FEW that didn't blog all rolled their eyes like we were some cult like, obsessive, freaks from mars.
It was a LOT of fun. I have to tell you that I got to hold baby Riley. Oh yes. I SO DID !! She is THE BEST and MOST BEHAVED baby you've ever held. She never cried, hardly made a sound. Very kicked back and calm. SOOOOO PRETTY ! (na na na-na na...no I'm not rubbing it in at ALLLL)
This morning we set up and added ANOTHER 6 f'n batteries to the 2nd bubble machine and let the kids go crazy in the house. I LOVE bubble machines. They save energy, time, and ENERGY :)
It really was so much fun to hang out with friends from the past and new friends too.
I love you all ! Thanks for helping us celebrate two amazing little boys.
Ok beeeaches ! Here you go !
From left to Right : Merr, Dee, my wife, Kaleidoscope, Ky
From Left, Kelly Belly's wife's back, 2 moms and twins wife La, 2 moms and twins author Kori
Sitting left All I got was a Mickey Mouse bobber, sitting Summer, Standing Kelly Belly.
Ok, so the best part of the night. (now I have to talk about me....because, although I said this blog was to talk about my kids....TOTAL front. It's all about me)
We set up Volleyball and a few of us that were able to survive the blazing 104 degree heat for 4 hours and still had it in us to play, took a WHACK at it.
All was good. I stood in front and ran back and forth with my face to the sky, waiting for the ball to come my way....you know, like you are supposed to.
The ball is bumped.....I came in for the set....and like a pro~ THE most beautiful, PERFECTLY placed set, was then hit over the net making it 2 to 0 :) WOO HOO
I shook off the jammed finger I just got and waited for the next serve return.
I hit the ball again....and OH MY GOD THE PAIN OF IT. The pain shot down my arm and in to my vagina.
I tried to play, cuz I'm butch like that....and at 9-2 I finally said, wait...I need to have someone pull out my finger. It's jammed and hurts like a motha.
5 people including myself pulled the tip of my finger out. It was my top knuckle that was hurt. NOTHING. I didn't hear the magic pop. Feel ANY relief and was surprised I wasn't crying. My DEAR and MOST helpful of friends Kori said. "I did the SAME thing at basketball. I pulled mine out, do you want me to pull yours out? This is how I did it, it's going to hurt"
SWEET MOTHER MARY OF GOD, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME !!!!! She didn't pull it straight out....she pulled the knuckle, that did this white thing when slightly bent and was already bruising and swelling up, bent and up. SERIOUSLY....I am SO butch. I didn't cry. I didn't punch her in the lips. I did a little dance and went in to show my sporty, I can fix anything wife.
She said to leave it, and that she hadn't pulled out her jams, and they were ok. It will be sore for a few weeks.
I said that it was kind of bending crooked and that it was really sore. I went and did what any person in their right mind would do and put a cold beer on it. :)
The next morning it was obviously swollen and bruised. I kept complaining about it so J said, "GO TO INSTACARE"
I went in, feeling SO STUPID. They are going to tell me it's a jam and give me a splint or something. WHY am I here ? I should just leave.
I felt so stupid that I wrote, possible broken bone on the paper work.
They called me back. The nurse says "possible broken bone !?" I held up my finger.
The typical questions..."how did you do it. do you drink or smoke. are you on medication. and then blood pressure. temperature. anal probing. JUST KIDDING, just making sure you were paying attention as this is getting REALLY LONG ! she said that they would x-ray it. I felt even more stupid....like lets not waste x-ray film.
The doctor came in and asked me similar questions. I wanted him to know, I KNEW it was just a jam...I was just there because we had JUST ran out of our Ibupro.fin 800 prescription.
I told him how my friends were pulling on it, to pull it out. He said, "did it hurt?" I laughed and said, "YES !" He then says, "I'll bet it hurt...because it's broken. you've pulled the ligaments and tendons and have a large chip right here." holding up the x-ray. My fingers look SUPER skinny on x-ray by the way.
Yes, it's TOTALLY broken. And EVERYONE was pulling on it. Does that shoot pain clear to your hoo hoo....cuz it is mine.
There is a large, and I mean LARGE chip right in the knuckle. :) He wants me to see an orthopedic because of the size of the chip....and that it's on my left hand. (I am left handed)
I smiled and nodded....my insurance won't pay for specialists and J is not building a playhouse to sell to pay for my medical bills. so I will let it heal and absorb and I will be fine. (grunting....totally butch)
Here are the pictures of said injury. (if you knew how many times I have had to backspace and delete because of this HUGE thing, you would know that it took me 2 hours to post this and has caused a heartbeat to throb in my finger. Good thing I have that prescription of Ibupro.fin :)

Oh ya, and Kori, sorry about the stickers. If you want.....I can try and pull them out :) ha ha ha
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