They have 2 young kids and so my choices were narrowed slightly.
What can you make that is impressive that kids will eat. Nada. I chose to make Spaghetti. (ROCK ON!) WHATEVER !
Kids will eat it.
I know I posted earlier about how I can now make it to the store with 3 kids....but the idea of running to the store for a few items seemed DAUNTING to say the least.
11am-I called my wife and with my sweetest, you know how much I love you, SOOOOOO much, how is your day, can you run to the store on your lunch, you are the neatest treat I know, voice.....I talked her into picking up some hamburger, red bell pepper (GREAT in spaghetti) romaine lettuce and croutons.
3:30 pm-I got Syd down for her nap, the house cleaned.
4:30 pm- I had both boys down. I started cooking, things were great.(again with Lionel Richie CD)
4:45 pm-The sauce is cooking and Spencer wakes up. no. no. no. This will ruin EVERYTHING. I race in to the boys room, it's too late to lay him back down and pat his back until he goes to sleep...I pick him up and start to rock him back to sleep. Cam sat up and looked at me but quickly laid down and went back to sleep.
4:51 pm-After working EXTREMELY hard at getting Spencer back to sleep and down. I carefully closed the doors to their room and walked away....then it hit me....I WAS COOKING....panic to the kitchen start to stir sauce....realize it's sticking to the bottom. Stir it up and decide that it's not that bad and it is still salvageable.
5 pm- put a call in to wife, can you stop on your way home and get french bread and shredded mozz for the salad ? Water started for pasta.
5:10 pm- add pasta to boiling water...stir until soft.
5:13 pm- Cam wakes up. Run in to room pick him up without thinking and begin rocking him back to sleep. Eye's wide....looking at me like, I've slept...I want to get up now.
5:28 pm- Lay Cam back down. Proud of myself for getting a wide awake baby to go back to sleep. Very relaxed. Thinking of blogging. aaaaah. NOODLES. Run in to the kitchen. Turn burner off and pour pasta in to strainer.
5:30pm- looking at large quantities of noodles, pan of sauce. Great idea. Mix them together to take to friends.
5:32pm- noodles are VERY overdone. Breaking apart with every stir. Dinner looking very mushy. Stress setting in.
5:33pm- call wife. FORGET the store. Come home. We are stopping at Crown Burger I ruined dinner. Surprisingly not pissed about the whole thing. Proud of myself for not overreacting.
5:38pm- wife comes in, lay head on her shoulder...whimper about what happened...thank and apologize for making her run to the store. Wife looks in pot. says..."It's fine...don't throw it away...we can still eat it" I agree and we wake all 3 babies up to leave for friends.
What this all means......I AM NOT MY MOTHER ! :) She is WAY better than that. She would NEVER mess up dinner. She would have made a 5 course meal. She is still Mormon.
Here is a picture of the mush that will wait until dinner Saturday night.
It will wait because Friday night.....I'm GOING DISCO BABY. We are dressing up disco, getting JUST drunk enough not to feel when we fall and going roller skating for a friends birthday.
I will TRY and remember my camera :)

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